Dnet - How to Update Your distributed.net Client
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IMPORTANT:As of version 490, you will need to disable the OGR-P2 cruncher. To do this, edit dnetc's config file (dnetc -config), and under the "Load-Work Precedence" section, add "OGR-P2=0". For more detailed instructions, see the "How to Join Team Freezee Pop" instructions here.
First, download the latest version of the client from distributed.net's download page. Then shutdown your current client (if it is running). Once that is complete, you will need to flush all of the packets that you were working on. For UNIX-based machines, you would want to "cd" into the directory that your current distributed.net client is in, and then type in "dnetc -flush". Now you can copy all of the files that come with the new client into the directory of your old client, replacing some of the old files. Relaunch, and enjoy!
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